• 周一. 2 月 24th, 2025



9 月 26, 2022 ,

#1Teach yourself a speech or monologue自学演讲或戏剧独白

To begin, you should find your favorite scene from a movie or play, or a joke from your favorite stand-up comedian, and memorize it.首先,你可以从电影或戏剧中找一个最喜欢的场景,或者从你最喜欢的脱口秀演员那里找到一个段子,并记住它。Read the passage and underline or highlight any phrases or expressions you don’t know. Look them up and practice using them in sentences so you can get comfortable using them. Then, take the monologue or speech and break it down into small sections. Start with memorizing just a few sentences at a time. 阅读短文免费英语口语练习,在你不知道的短语或表达下面划线或高亮显示。查出意思并练习在句子中使用它们,这样你就可以轻松自如地运用它们。然后,把独白或演讲分成几个小部分。从一次只记住几个句子开始。

#2Memorize your favorite quotes to repeat out loud记住你最喜欢的名言并大声跟读

If you’ve spent any time on social media, you know that quotes are an incredible way to connect with and inspire people instantly. And, if you don’t feel ready to memorize a speech yet, you should start with memorizing quotes.如果你刷过社交媒体免费英语口语练习,你就会知道名言是一种特别好的的方式,可以即刻与人建立联系、鼓舞人心。如果你还没有准备好背诵演讲稿,你可以先从背诵名言开始。

#3Memorize your favorite song, and sing it!记住你最喜欢的歌,然后唱出来!

In a 2013 study conducted at the Reid School of Music in Edinburgh, researchers discovered that adults who sang in a new language instead of just speaking it performed better on a series of language tests. 2013年,爱丁堡里德音乐学院(Reid School of Music In Edinburgh)进行了一项研究免费英语口语练习,研究人员发能把新语言唱出来的成年人,比那些只能说出来的成年人,在一系列语言测试中表现更佳。For your first song, try not to choose something that’s too challenging or fast-paced, but do choose a song that you really enjoy so that you’ll want to listen to it again and again. 第一首歌,尽量不要选择太有挑战性或节奏太快的歌,但一定要选择一首你真正喜欢的歌,这样你才会愿意一遍又一遍地听。

#4、Memorize a poem that speaks to you记住一首对你有意义的诗

Poetry is often powerful and emotional, and anything that can help you connect emotion to learning English will help you retain more vocabulary.诗歌通常是强有力的、充满情感的,任何能帮助你将情感与英语学习联系起来的东西都能帮助你记住更多的词汇。And, just like with the quotes, you can give yourself a small goal of memorizing a short poem every week and reciting it out loud to anyone who will listen.就像名言一样,你可以给自己定一个小目标,每周背一首短诗,并大声背诵给任何愿意听的人听。

#5Have a discussion with yourself与自己交流

If this idea sounds good to you, give yourself the initial goal of answering three questions a day out loud. You can record yourself or write your answers down, too, but make sure that you actually answer the questions out loud.如果你觉得这个主意不错,那就给自己定一个最初的目标,每天大声回答三个问题。你也可以记录你自己或写下你的答案,但要确保你真的大声回答了问题。


#6Dictate your ideas instead of writing them down口述你的想法,而不是写下来

It takes a little bit of practice to get used to dictation in the beginning, so be patient with yourself. To start, create a Dictation Diary and commit to dictating your thoughts for five minutes a day or fifteen minutes per week. 一开始,你需要一些练习才能习惯口述 ,所以要对自己有耐心。首先,创建一个口述日记,并保证每天花五分钟或每周十五分钟来口述你的想法。

#7Use a voice recording app使用语音记录APP

If you’re someone who likes to review yourself to check your progress and listen for mistakes, you should definitely try using a voice recording app. 如果你喜欢自我检讨,检查自身进展,查漏补缺,那么你绝对要尝试语音记录APP。 You can use this to record yourself reciting a speech, singing a song, or reciting a poem, but you can also use it to record your thoughts.你可以用它录下自己背诵演讲、背诵诗歌或唱歌的音频,你也可以用它来记录自己的想法。

#8Record yourself speaking on video录制自己说口语的视频

If you’re just starting out with this method, I recommend recording a video of yourself speak once a week. And give yourself some guidelines for what you will talk about. Are you going to teach something or discuss something? Review your favorite horror movie? Just share your thoughts of the day?如果你刚刚开始使用这种方法免费英语口语练习,我建议你每周录制一段自己说口语的视频。列出你要谈论话题的大纲。你打算教什么还是讨论什么?是要回顾你最喜欢的恐怖电影?还是分享一下你今天的想法?

#9Check-in with your progressonce a month每月检查一次进度

Practicing a skill like speaking on your own can be tough. But you’ll make more progress if you check-in with your goals every month.自学口语这样的技能可能很难。但是,如果你每个月都检查自己的进度如何一个人练习英语口语?,你会取得更大的进步。Ask yourself: Are you making fewer mistakes? How many new English phrases or expressions have you learned? Have you memorized a speech, a song, or a poem? Do you feel more comfortable when you’re speaking?问自己几个问题:你犯的错误减少了吗?你学了多少新的英语短语或表达?你记住一篇演讲、一首歌或一首诗了吗?你口语表达的时候感觉自在吗?

#10Know when to ask for help知道何时寻求帮助

If you’re feeling stuck or that you’re not making enough progress, I highly recommend reaching out to an English teacher to help you figure out your own self-study path.如果你觉得自己陷入瓶颈免费英语口语练习,或者没有取得十足的进步,我强烈建议你去找一位英语老师,帮你找到自己的自学道路。


I think you already know that if you want to improve your English speaking skills, you have to practice, right? you have to speak, studying grandma will never improve your speaking, listening to English alone will never improve your speaking. You have to actually speak. but what if you don’t have someone to talk to in English? how can you practice them?


Well, there’s a technique that allows you to learn to speak English by yourself, no speaking partner is required. this technique can help improve many aspects of your spoken English: your sentence structure, your grandma, your vocabulary, and most importantly, your ability to express your thoughts and ideas effectively. so what is his technique? Here’s what it is….


Learning to speak English throug himitation. when I say imitation, I’m not talking about repeating after Native speakers, using the exact same word to improve your pronunciation. I’m talking about something, a little more advanced than that. here’s how it works: you listen to a conversation, a story, or some kind of speech, and then try to deliver that speech in your own words.


let’s see this technique in action:


(听) when I was a child.(说) when he was a child.

(听) my parents liked to pretend, like many other parents.(说) his parents liked to pretend, like many other parents.

(听) that SantaClauswould bring us presents at Christmas. (说)hisparents like topretend that Santa Claus would bring them presents at Christmas.


(听) so when my siblings and I would wake up on Christmas morning,(说)so when he and his siblings would wake up on Christmas morning.

(听) There’d be abunch of presents, from supposedly. Santa clause, sitting in front of the fireplace,(说) there’d a bunch of presents, from supposedly Santa clause sitting in front of the fireplace.

So that’s how it works. but that’s just oneway to do it, there are other ways too. for example, instead of imitating small portions of speech, like phrases and short sentences, you can imitatelarger portions of speech. so in this case, you wait until the speaker completeat hought or an idea. then pause and try to express that idea yourself. another approach is to simply listen to the whole speech, and then try to deliver that entire speech yourself. so there are several ways to go about it.


But what I recommend is to combine them all together, and I called this approach easy-to-hard imitation. Easy-to-hard imitationis based on the concept of progressive training. the idea is that your startwith something easy and then increase the difficulty of the activity, forcing yourself to get better.


A number of studies have found this kind of training to be very effective. here’s how you can apply this concept: start by imitating small portions of speech first, like phrases and short sentences, then move onto imitating larger portions of speech, like long sentences or even groups of sentences, and finally, try to deliver the entire speech on your own.


This technique offers many benefits. you get to listen and imitate correct English, which helps you learn to form sentences properly. you get to learn idioms, expressions, and other speaking patterns that are used in day-to-day conversations. you get to learn grandma, when you imitate other people, you’re learning grandma through a process called implicit learning. this is the process where the learning happens without you rawareness.


This is how baby and children learn the grandma rules of their first language. when you imitate, you don’t think about grandma. You’re not try to understand why the present perfect tense is used in this situation or in that situation. Instead, you’re focused on communication, on understanding and expressing ideas.



1. 口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物



作为成人学英语,记忆力差是个拦路虎,做复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心,或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难,那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题。先学习英文课文,通篇理解透彻后,再来看汉语译文, 把汉语译文口译回英文。这样等于既做复述练习又作口译(语)练习,可谓一石二鸟!









2. 听译法-角色互换


3. 口语作文和3分钟训练法


4. 复述练习





5. 英语思维的培养




4、如果没有机会拥有封闭的语言环境的话, 就最好尝试一下自我封闭语言环境的创造与训练。如:强迫自己在一周内所有要表达的话,全部用英语表达.只要你能坚持一周,效果就相当明显,而无论你所表达的英语有多糟。















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