• 周五. 9 月 20th, 2024














我是一个致力于分享正确高效发音、口语方法论的英语讲师零基础英语口语班,同时是一名英语终身学习者、研究者。雅思8分(听力、阅读满分,口语8分),托福IBT116分(听力满分,口语28分);因为口音纯正表达地道时常被当地人误以为是外籍华人。曾教授《零基础新概念暴虐朗读》《科学英语发音研习班》、《生活口语指南》、《旅游英语》等线下、线上课程,有丰富的英文教学经验。在过去3年时间,我曾带领过全国上万名英语学习者一起参与“早起英语晨读朗读”打卡的社群活动。2017年受邀成为加拿大旅游局《加游 – 动感夏日》户外旅游节目双语主持人,同年作为“中国优秀青年代表”受到被加拿大总理Justin Trudeau亲自接见。












1、BEC剑桥商务英语中级口语练习汇总 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理BEC中级口语练习,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。BEC中级口语练习:Mail-room.核心学习: Mail-room 邮件中心Steve: Mike, do you need anything from the basement?史蒂夫:迈克,你需要从地下室拿点什么东西吗?Mike. I have been with this company for almost seven months and I still have no clue what is in the basement.迈克:我到这家公

2、司已经快七个月了,可我还不知道地下室有什么东西。Steve: Some people say that the most important division is down there.史蒂夫:有些人说最重要的部门设在下面。Mike: Whats that? Sales, marketing, accounting or human resources?迈克:那是什么?销售部、市场营销部、财务部还是人事部?Steve: None of those! Why not come downstairs with me and meet all of the guys and gals from t

3、he mailroom?史蒂夫:都不是!为什么不跟我到楼下看看,和邮件中心的伙计们认识认识?Mike: The mailroom! What do they do there?迈克:邮件中心!他们在那里做什么?Steve: They take care of sending all of our mail and making sure that incoming letters find the right people.史蒂夫:他们负责把我们的邮件发出去,并确保寄来的邮件准确无误地送到收件人手里。Mike: Why would I want to go there?迈克:我为什么要去那里?

4、Steve: Many great careers have started in the mail-rooms of world famous companies!史蒂夫:很多很棒的职业始于世界著名公司的邮件中心!.单词简析1) Basement: the bottom floor of a building地下室:建筑物的底层ex:The basement of our building is said to be haunted but its just a ghost story.有人说我们这栋楼的地下室闹鬼,这只不过是鬼话。2) No clue: no idea, something

5、 that you dont know不知道:没有头绪,你不知道的事情ex:At school, my economics teacher said that I had no clue about managing money – and he was right!上学的时候我的经济学老师说我不会理财他说对了!3) Mailroom: place that incoming and outgoing mail is sorted for delivery邮件中心:分拣来往邮件以便递送的地方ex:My first job was working in a mailroom sorting ma

6、il.我的第一份工作是在邮件中心里分拣邮件。4) Career: a job with progressive achievements for which you have training职业、事业:与你所受的教育相关、有发展的工作ex:These days, choosing a career is almost a full-time job itself.现在,选择一种职业本身几乎是一项全职的工作。.课文篇The flow of information within an organization is absolutely vital to the success of any c

7、ompany. Without a smooth flow of ideas and information, a company can miss opportunities for profit.对任何一家公司来说,机构内部信息的流入绝对是成功的关键。如果没有平稳流入的思想和信息,公司就可能坐失良机。Before the invent of fax machines and email, mail was the only way to send information. To manage the inflow of large amounts of mail, companies es

8、tablished separate divisions just to sort incoming and outgoing mail.在传真机和电子邮件发明以前,邮寄是发送信息的唯一途径。为了管理大量邮件的内流,公司建立独立的部门专门负责分拣往来邮件。Mail-room staff would sort and record every piece of mail coming or leaving. They would take the outgoing mail to the post office for mailing and distribute incoming mail t

9、o the right person.邮件中心(收发室)的员工要分拣和记录每一封来往的邮件。他们将往外发的邮件送到邮局,并将寄来的邮件准确无误地分发到收件人的手中。Because mailroom staff saw every piece of mail and other important information they often knew what was happening better than anyone else. This gave them a small amount of power that could be used to work their way out

10、 of the mailroom into a better job.由于邮件中心(收发室)的员工可以看到每一封邮件和其他重要的信息BEC剑桥商务英语中级口语练习汇总.doc,他们通常比其他人更了解行情。这就给了他们一点权力,他们可以利用它去做比收发员更好的工作。Famous business managers who have started in the mailroom and slowly become business leaders include Victor Kiam of Remington (the razor company) and Jac Nasser the Chief Executive Officer

11、of Ford Motor Company.从收发员做起,慢慢成为商业巨头的著名商业管理人有雷明顿公司(那家剃刀公司,编者注:另有一家著名的武器公司也命名为雷明顿公司)的维克多凯恩和福特汽车公司的首席执行官杰克纳赛尔。The invention of email, fax machines and even the telephone have all accelerated the death of mail rooms within companies. Today, most mail-related jobs are done by secretaries and mail rooms

12、 have completely closed.电子邮件、传真机乃至电话的发明共同加速了公司内部邮件中心(收发室)的死亡。今天,大多数与邮件相关的工作由秘书来完成,邮件中心(收发室)已经完全消失了。对话篇Beth: I wonder what it was like to work all day in the basement of a huge building sorting mail.贝丝:我在想在一幢大楼的地下室里整天分拣邮件是什么样子。Sally: Oh I dont think the mailroom staff stayed in the basement all day.莎

13、莉:噢剑桥商务英语中级口语,我不认为那些收发员整天呆在地下室。Beth: When would they leave the basement?贝丝:他们什么时候离开地下室?Sally: To take all of the mail to the various floors of the building and the right offices on each floor.莎莉:把邮件分发到不同的楼层和各层的收件人办公室里的时候。Beth: Hmmm – so they spent a lot of time in the elevators?贝丝:嗯这么说他们有很多时间是在电梯里度过的?Sally: I


14、 suppose so, but they do get to see and hear all of the office rumors and gossip.莎莉:我想是吧,但是他们确实看到和听到所有办公室的流言蜚语。Beth: And that way they get to all of the company secrets?贝丝:这样他们就知道了所有公司的秘密?Sally: Now youre thinking! How else do you think they work their way from the bottom to the top?莎莉:现在你说对了!要不然你认为

15、他们是怎样从下往上爬的?Beth: Hard work – like the rest of us!贝丝:艰苦的工作和我们其他人一样。BEC中级口语练习:Sales and Marketing.核心学习:Sales and Marketing 销售与市场营销Steve: I think I need some career guidance Mike.史蒂夫:我觉得我需要一些事业指导迈克。Mike: Why do you say that?迈克:你为什么那么说?Steve: Im getting bored with my current position.史蒂夫:我开始烦我目前的职位了。Mi

16、ke: Have you thought about a new direction for your career?迈克:你为你的事业想过新的方向吗?Steve: Like what? Can you think of something interesting for me?史蒂夫:比如说?你能帮我想出一些有意思的东西吗?Mike: Why not sales and marketing?迈克:销售与市场营销怎么样?Steve: Do you mean sales or do you mean marketing?史蒂夫:你是指销售还是指市场营销?Mike: They are the sa

17、me thing, arent they?迈克:它们是一回事,不是吗?Steve: No way! They are totally different. Let me fill you in on the main differences.史蒂夫:不是!它们完全不同。让我详细告诉你主要的不同之处。.单词简析1) Career guidance: getting advice about your work strengths and weaknesses事业指导:有关你工作的长处和短处的建议ex:Career guidance is usually offered by the Human

18、Resources department of a company.事业指导通常由公司的人力资源部提供。2) Sales: jobs where you actively sell goods and services to customers or clients销售:积极地将物品和服务卖给消费者或客户的工作ex:Most sales people work for a base salary and then a percentage commission.大多数销售人员的工作报酬是基本工资外加一个百分比提成。3) Marketing: jobs that involve studying

19、 the target market for a goods or service to increase sales市场营销:为了提高销售额而开展的有关研究物品和服务目标市场的工作ex:The marketing department in our company always has lots of cool gifts they use to promote the company like t-shirts and coffee cups.我们公司的市场营销部总有很多用来提高公司知名度的很酷的赠品,如T-恤、咖啡杯等。4) Integral: vital, important必不可少的

20、:必需的,重要的ex:The only two things that are integral to my morning are coffee and cigarettes!我早上必不可少的两样东西是咖啡和香烟!5) Challenging: something that is not simple or easy激励的、挑战的:不简单、不容易的事情ex:Swimming across the English Channel to France would be very challenging.游泳横渡英吉利海峡到法国很有挑战。.课文篇Many people think that sal

21、es and marketing are the same job. Some people think that marketing is what sales people do to sell a product. This could not be farther from the truth, as we will see below.很多人认为销售和市场营销是同一个工作。一些人认为市场营销就是销售人员所做的产品推销。这和它的本意有天壤之别,这正如我们下面所看到的。Sales means trying to convince someone to buy your goods or

22、services. Generally, customers buy goods and clients buy services.销售指的是设法说服某人买你的物品或服务。通常来说,消费者买物品剑桥商务英语中级口语,而客户买服务。Marketing is a number of processes that are designed to help a company understand the market and what the market thinks of their goods or services.市场营销是为了帮助公司了解市场以及市场对公司产品和服务的想法而展开的一系列工作。When mar

23、keting is done well, it will help management to make changes to the product to better suit the market needs and also help increase sales because more people will be aware of the product.市场营销做得好,它就会帮助改变经营策略,使产品更好地满足市场需求,而且让更多的人知道该产品,从而提高产品的销售额,Sales and marketing department usually work separately bu

24、t closely.销售部和市场营销部的工作通常分开进行剑桥商务英语中级口语,但又紧密相连。A marketing project usually starts with a market survey. This means asking potential customers their honest thoughts and feelings about the product. You should also compare your product with your competitors to understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of e

25、ach.一个市场营销项目通常始于一项市场调查。这意味着询问潜在消费者对产品的真实想法和感受。你还应该将你的产品和竞争者的产品相互比较,从而了解各自相关的长处和短处。Twenty years ago, marketing was not an important business function, but as the market place become more and more competitive each year, good marketing (and good sales) has become one of the most integral and challengin

26、g areas to work in.二十年前,市场营销并不是一个重要的商业功能剑桥商务英语中级口语,但是随着市场竞争的逐年强烈,好的市场营销(以及好的销售)已经成为最重要和最有挑战的工作领域。对话篇Beth: I like the idea of working in sales.贝丝:我喜欢在销售部门工作的主意。Sally: Oh, I dont think I would like it at all.莎莉:哦我觉得我根本不喜欢它。Beth: Im surprised to hear that. Why wouldnt you like sales?贝丝:听到这我觉得很惊讶。你为什么不喜欢销售工作?Sall

27、y: There is too much pressure to make sales all the time and I dont like the idea of working for commission.莎莉:整天推销压力太大了,而且我不喜欢工作拿提成。Beth: I think that commission is a great idea – the more you sell the more you make.贝丝:我认为拿提成是个很棒的主意-你卖得越多,你挣得也就越多。Sally: But if I make no sales, I get no commission.

28、How can I pay the rent?莎莉:但是如果我卖不出去,我就没有提成。我怎么付租金?Beth: Sales is challenging I know, but the rewards can be big.贝丝:我知道销售很有挑战剑桥商务英语中级口语,不过报酬很可观。Sally: I prefer to work for a salary. At least I know exactly how much I will earn each month.莎莉:我更喜欢拿固定工资。至少我知道每个月我确切挣多少钱。Beth: Without sales, there would be no company. I am proud to lead the way for the rest of the staff!贝丝:没有销售就没有公司。我为带领着公司的其他员工前进颇感得意!



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